TimberJacks Welcomes Newest Franchise Venue to the Family

Get ready to experience the thrill of the axe-throwing craze at TimberJacks’ newest franchise venue in Scarborough. We are announcing the latest addition to our family, where you can test your skills and compete in a unique and exciting atmosphere. Join us as we celebrate this new chapter and welcome you to join in on the fun at our newest location. Get prepared for some friendly competition, delicious drinks, and unforgettable memories. Welcome aboard!
The newest addition to the TimberJacks franchise family has arrived, and we could not be more excited to welcome this new venue into our fold. Located in Scarborough, North Yorkshire this franchise is owned by local businessmen who also host Scarborough’s Mr E Escape Rooms.

The pair who own a property from which their escape rooms business operates boasted land to the rear which was sat redundant. In a bid to see how they could improve their entertainment offering and make use of the land they settled upon the activity of axe throwing which is enjoying substantial growth across the UK.

As for its geographical location, Scarborough is a seaside town which is the first of its kind to join the TimberJacks family. The town has a strong community of resident adventure-seekers and annual tourists who are always looking for new experiences to try out. We believe that axe throwing will be a perfect fit for this demographic, providing them with a unique activity they can enjoy with friends or family.
TimberJacks is a popular and rapidly growing recreational activity that combines the thrill of axe throwing with the nostalgia of traditional lumberjack culture. Founded in 2018, TimberJacks has quickly become a favorite pastime for people of all ages and backgrounds in all the TimberJacks present locations.
One unique aspect of TimberJacks is their franchise model, which allows individuals to own and operate their own TimberJacks venue. This business opportunity is beginning to attract entrepreneurs from across the UK who are looking for a fun and profitable venture.
The concept behind the franchise model is simple: take the successful TimberJacks brand and bring it to new locations through partnerships with local business owners. Franchisees benefit from having access to an established brand, a proven business model, ongoing support, and training, as well as marketing materials – all while being able to put their own personal touch on their venue.
As a franchisee, you will have the opportunity to bring this exciting activity to your community and create an unforgettable experience for your customers. From corporate team building events to birthday parties or just a night out with friends, there is always a demand for unique and entertaining activities like TimberJacks Axe Throwing.
One of the main benefits of becoming a TimberJacks franchisee is the low startup cost compared to other franchises in similar industries. With no need for expensive equipment or inventory, franchisees can focus on creating an inviting atmosphere in their venue while keeping operating costs low.
Additionally, as part of the TimberJacks family, you will receive comprehensive training on how to run your venue successfully. From safety protocols to customer service techniques, our experienced team will equip you with all the necessary skills needed to operate your business efficiently.
Becoming a TimberJacks franchisee offers numerous advantages, from being part of a successful and growing brand to having the support and resources needed to succeed. We are excited to welcome our newest franchise venue and look forward to expanding further with passionate individuals who share our love for timber sports and entertainment.

Can children do axe throwing?

Axe throwing may seem like a sport reserved for adults, but it’s actually a great activity for children as well. Not only is it a fun and unique way to spend time with your kids, but it also offers a range of physical and mental benefits. Here are some reasons why children should try axe throwing:

1. Develops hand-eye coordination: Throwing an axe at a target requires a high level of hand-eye coordination, which is an important skill for children to develop. Through practice, they can improve their aim and precision, which can transfer to other activities such as sports or playing musical instruments and have a general positive impact on their overall motor skills.

2. Builds focus and concentration: In today’s world of constant distractions, it can be challenging for children to stay mentally focused on one task. However, axe throwing requires a great deal of concentration and focus. This can help children improve their ability to stay focused and be present in the moment, which can be beneficial for their overall well-being.

3. Encourages physical activity: In today’s digital age, it’s important for children to engage in physical activities and get away from screens. Axe throwing is a great way to get kids moving and using their muscles, while also having fun. They’ll be using their arms, shoulders, and core muscles to throw the axe, and will also need to walk back and forth to retrieve their axes.

4. Promotes confidence and self-esteem: When children successfully hit the target, it can boost their confidence and self-esteem. As they see themselves making progress and improving, they will feel a sense of accomplishment and pride while seeing that they are capable of mastering a new skill.

5. Teaches safety and responsibility: Before participating in axe throwing, children will be taught important safety measures and rules. This can teach them responsibility and the importance of following guidelines and being aware of their surroundings.

6. Fosters teamwork and communication: Many axe throwing centers offer group or team bookings, which can be a great opportunity for children to work together and communicate effectively. It can also be a fun bonding experience for families and friends.

7. Encourages friendly competition: Axe throwing can be a great way for children to engage in friendly competition with their peers. This can help them learn how to win and lose gracefully, as well as teach them valuable sportsmanship skills.

8. Provides a new and exciting challenge: Trying something new and different can be exciting for children, and axe throwing definitely fits that description. It’s a unique activity that can get them out of their comfort zone and challenge them in a fun and safe environment.

In conclusion, children axe throwing can have many benefits, both physically and mentally. It allows them to learn a new skill, build confidence, and have fun in a safe and controlled environment. So, if you’re looking for a unique and exciting activity for your children, consider taking them to an axe throwing facility. Who knows, they may just discover a new passion!

Benefits an AXE THROWING venue has on the local community

Axe throwing has been gaining popularity in recent years, with more and more people flocking to axe throwing venues around the world. While some may see it as just a fun and exciting activity, the impact of axe throwing on the local community goes much deeper.

One of the most significant ways in which axe throwing benefits the local community is through the boost it gives to the economy. Axe throwing venues require a large space and are often located in industrial areas that may have otherwise been abandoned. This provides a new source of income for these areas, as well as creating jobs for locals who are hired to work in the venue.

In addition to the economic benefits, axe throwing also promotes a sense of community. It is a social activity that brings people together, whether it be for team-building events or simply a group of friends looking for a unique experience. This sense of camaraderie and bonding helps to strengthen the community and allows people to connect with one another in a fun and relaxed environment.

Moreover, axe throwing has also been known to improve mental and physical health. The physical aspect of throwing an axe requires coordination, balance, and strength, which can be developed through regular practice. This can also improve mental health by reducing stress and boosting confidence and self-esteem. Axe throwing venues also often offer a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages people to challenge themselves and try something new.

Lastly, axe throwing can have a positive impact on the local tourism industry. As word spreads about the popularity of axe throwing, it becomes a draw for tourists who are looking for unique experiences in a new city. This not only brings in visitors but also provides an opportunity for the local community to share their culture and traditions with others.

In conclusion, it is evident that axe throwing has a significant impact on the local community. From boosting the economy and creating jobs to fostering a sense of community and promoting physical and mental well-being, this activity has far-reaching benefits. So the next time you visit an axe throwing venue, remember that you are not just having a good time, but also contributing to the growth and development of the local community.

Choose the Best Axe for Axe Throwing

Axe throwing has become a popular recreational sport in recent years, with many people looking to try their hand at this exciting activity. While it may seem simple at first, there are actually many factors to consider when choosing the right axe for your new axe throwing hobby. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect axe for your throw.

1. Weight and Balance

The weight and balance of an axe are crucial for achieving accuracy and power in your throws. The ideal weight of an axe depends on personal preference and strength, but generally, a 1-2 lb. axe is recommended for beginners, and is standard for most venues. It is also important to check the balance of the axe – the center of mass should be around the head of the axe, making it easier to control and aim.

2. Handle Material

The material of the handle can make a big difference in your throwing experience. Traditional wooden handles provide a good grip but can become slippery when wet. On the other hand, modern axes come with synthetic grips that provide a better hold and control. It is important to find a handle material that feels comfortable for you and allows for a strong grip while throwing.
3. Length of the Axe

The length of an axe can impact the trajectory of your throws. A shorter axe will travel in a straighter path, while a longer axe will have a more upward trajectory. Experiment with different lengths to see which one works best for you and your throwing style.

4. Shape of the Blade

The shape of the blade can also affect your throws. A wider blade will have a larger surface area, making it easier to hit the target. However, a narrower blade can provide better penetration into the target. For beginners, a wider blade is usually recommended as it allows for a larger margin of error.

5. Type of Axe

There are many types of axes available, but there are a few specifically designed for axe throwing. These throwing axes are typically lighter and have a more balanced design, making them easier to throw accurately. If you are serious about axe throwing, investing in a throwing axe may be a good option.

6. Personal Comfort

Ultimately, the most important factor in choosing the right axe is your personal comfort. Handle different types of axes and see which one feels the most natural and comfortable for you. A comfortable axe will allow you to focus on your throwing.

In A LEAGUE Of Its Own – Axe Throwing

We all know about dart, football, and snooker leagues, but how about something a little different?

Axe throwing has become a popular recreational activity in recent years, with many individuals and groups enjoying the thrill of throwing an axe and hitting a target. This activity has now evolved into organized leagues, competitions and groups, bringing a new level of excitement to the sport.

Axe throwing leagues are a great way for individuals to hone their skills and compete against others. These leagues can consist of a series of weekly matches where participants can compete in various categories such as accuracy, distance, and speed. Participants are usually divided into teams or compete individually, and at the end of the league, a winner is determined based on their overall performance.

Apart from leagues, axe throwing competitions are also gaining popularity. These events bring together individuals with a passion for axe throwing to compete against each other. They can range from small local events to large-scale national or even international competitions. The rules and format for these competitions may vary, but the ultimate goal is for participants to showcase their skills and come out on top.
Joining an axe throwing league can be fun and rewarding...
For those looking to join a community of like-minded individuals, axe throwing groups are an excellent option. These groups provide a social and supportive environment for individuals to come together and share their love for the sport. They often organize events such as meetups, group practice sessions, and friendly competitions.

Participating in axe throwing leagues, competitions, or groups not only adds a competitive element to the activity but also allows individuals to improve their skills and learn new techniques from others. It can also be a great way to make new friends and bond with others over a shared interest.

If you’re interested in joining an axe throwing league, competition, or group, it’s important to do some research and find one that suits your skill level and availability. Many axe throwing venues offer these opportunities, so be sure to check with your local axe throwing facility for upcoming events or join online communities to connect with other enthusiasts.

Overall, axe throwing leagues, competitions, and groups add a new level of excitement and camaraderie to the sport. They allow individuals to challenge themselves, improve their skills, and connect with others who share their passion for axe throwing. So, if you haven’t tried it yet, why not join a league or competition and see for yourself what all the hype is about? Who knows, you may even discover a hidden talent for throwing axes!

Could an AXE THROWING hut benefit your bar or pub business?

Axe throwing has become a popular activity in recent years, with dedicated axe throwing venues popping up all over the world. The concept is simple – customers pay a fee to throw axes at targets, often while enjoying food and drinks. But have you ever considered adding an axe throwing hut to your bar or pub? Here are just a few reasons why it could be a great addition to your business.

1. Unique Experience

In today’s competitive hospitality industry, it’s important to offer something unique and different to stand out from the crowd. A dedicated axe throwing hut at your bar or pub would definitely be a memorable experience for customers and attract new customers looking for something fun and different to do.

2. Increased Revenue

Adding an axe throwing hut to your bar or pub can potentially bring in additional revenue. Customers will be paying for the experience itself, as well as for food and drinks while they’re throwing axes. It’s also a great opportunity for group bookings, such as bachelor parties or team building events, which can bring in more business.

3. Diversify Your Customer Base

Axe throwing appeals to a diverse range of people, from young adults looking for a unique night out to families and corporate groups. Adding an axe throwing hut to your bar or pub can open up your customer base to a wider demographic, potentially bringing in new regular customers.
4. Low Maintenance

Adding an axe throwing hut to your bar or pub doesn’t require a lot of upkeep. The set-up and equipment are relatively simple, and the hut itself can be kept clean and tidy with minimal effort. This means you can focus on running your business and providing a great experience for your customers.

5. Keep Customers Staying Longer

Often, customers come to a bar or pub for drinks and food, and then leave to find something else to do for the rest of the night. By offering an axe throwing hut, you can keep customers entertained and spending money at your establishment for longer.

In conclusion, adding an axe throwing hut to your bar or pub can bring in additional revenue, attract new customers, and provide a unique and memorable experience for your existing customers. It’s a low maintenance addition that can potentially have a positive impact on your business. So why not consider adding an axe throwing hut and see the benefits for yourself?

IMPROVE Your Axe Throwing Accuracy

Axe throwing has become a popular recreational activity in recent years, with many indoor facilities popping up all over the world. However, mastering the skill of axe throwing requires more than just a strong arm and good aim. To become truly accurate at this challenging sport, one must practice and develop a few key techniques.

Firstly, it is important to find the right grip on the axe. The handle of the axe should be held with a firm and comfortable grip, with the dominant hand towards the top and the non-dominant hand lower down. Keep your elbows slightly bent and your shoulders relaxed, allowing for a smooth motion when releasing the axe.

Next, focusing on your stance is crucial for accuracy in axe throwing. Your stance should be balanced and stable, feet shoulder-width apart and slightly angled towards the target. Keep your body weight on the balls of your feet to have better control over the movement of the axe. A proper stance is essential for maintaining a consistent throwing motion.
There is certainly an art to a good axe throwing throw!
In addition to a proper grip and stance, proper follow-through is also key to becoming more accurate at axe throwing. Once you have released the axe, it is important to maintain your stance and follow through with your throwing motion. This allows the axe to spin with precision and maintain its trajectory towards the target.

Apart from technique, it is important to also consider the type of axe being used. Different axes have different weights, shapes, and sizes, meaning they will fly differently when thrown. It is important to practice with different types of axes and find the one that feels most comfortable and accurate for you.

Lastly, regular practice is the most essential factor in improving accuracy in axe throwing. Like any sport, consistent and dedicated practice is the key to mastering this skill. Start with shorter throwing distances and gradually increase the distance as your accuracy improves.

In conclusion, becoming more accurate at axe throwing requires a combination of proper grip, stance, follow-through, and practice. Perfecting these techniques takes time and patience, so do not get discouraged if you do not see immediate results. Remember to always prioritize safety and have fun while honing your axe throwing skills. With dedication and perseverance, anyone can become an accurate and skilled axe thrower.

The BENEFITS of Axe Throwing for Mental & Emotional Health, ADHD, and Stress

Axe throwing may seem like an unconventional activity for improving mental and emotional health, but it has been proven to be a highly beneficial and therapeutic pastime. This ancient Viking activity has been gaining popularity in recent years, with dedicated axe throwing venues popping up all over the world. And while it may be seen as simply a fun and exciting sport, the benefits of axe throwing go much deeper.

Mental and Emotional Health: Axe throwing can be a great outlet for releasing built-up tension, stress, and frustration. The physical act of throwing an axe at a target allows for a cathartic release – much like the feeling of punching a pillow. This is particularly beneficial for those who struggle with anger management or have pent-up emotions. The repetitive action of throwing the axe can also have a calming effect on the mind, providing a sense of focus and mindfulness. This can be helpful for those dealing with anxiety or racing thoughts.

Moreover, axe throwing requires concentration and strategy, which promotes the development of problem-solving skills and improves cognitive function. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with conditions such as depression or bipolar disorder, as it can help to improve their overall mood and boost self-esteem.
We all have those down days, and this is where axe throwing is perfect for relieving that stress and anxiety.
ADHD: Axe throwing can provide a physical outlet for individuals with ADHD. As a high-energy and often impulsive condition, ADHD can cause individuals to feel restless and antsy. Axe throwing allows them to release pent-up energy and use their body in a controlled and purposeful manner. This can lead to increased self-regulation and a sense of calm, which can be incredibly beneficial for individuals with ADHD. Axe throwing is also a social activity that can help individuals with ADHD develop interpersonal skills. It provides an opportunity to engage in friendly competition, communicate with others, and work on teamwork. This can be especially beneficial for children with ADHD, as it can help them develop social skills early on.

Additionally, axe throwing can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when hitting the target, helping to boost self-confidence. This can be especially helpful for individuals with ADHD, who may struggle with low self-esteem due to their condition.

Stress Relief: Life can be stressful, and finding healthy ways to cope with stress is crucial for our overall well-being. Axe throwing can be an excellent form of stress relief as it allows for a release of tension and provides a sense of empowerment. The physical and mental focus required can also help to clear the mind and reduce stress levels. Additionally, participating in a fun and challenging activity with friends or loved ones can help to alleviate the symptoms of stress and improve overall mood.

In conclusion, it is clear that axe throwing has numerous benefits for mental and emotional health, ADHD, and stress relief. Not only does it provide a fun and unique experience, but it also has therapeutic qualities that can significantly contribute to our overall well-being. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider picking up an axe and heading to your nearest axe throwing venue for a much-needed release.

Is Axe Throwing Competitive?

Axe throwing has gained immense popularity in recent years, with dedicated arenas and competitions taking place all over the world. This seemingly simple sport involves throwing an axe at a target, with the goal of hitting the bulls-eye for maximum points. But behind this seemingly casual activity lies a world of fierce competition and dedicated training, making it one of the most competitive sports out there.

One of the reasons for the competitiveness of axe throwing is the level of skill and precision that is required to excel in the sport. Unlike darts or other similar target games, axe throwing requires a powerful and accurate throw, making it a challenging sport to master. This level of difficulty attracts many individuals looking for a new challenge and the opportunity to push themselves to their limits.

Moreover, axe throwing is also highly competitive due to its straightforward and no-frills nature. Unlike other sports that require expensive equipment or training facilities, axe throwing can be practiced anywhere with a suitable target and axe. This accessibility makes it a popular choice for individuals looking to compete at a grassroots level, leading to a larger pool of talented players and a more competitive environment.
In addition to the physical skills required, axe throwing also relies heavily on mental focus and strategic thinking. Competitors need to analyze their throwing techniques, understand the velocity and trajectory of their throws, and constantly adapt to changing conditions. This mental aspect adds another layer of complexity to the sport, making it a challenging and highly competitive activity.

Furthermore, axe throwing has also gained recognition as a professional sport, with numerous organized leagues and international championships taking place. The World Axe Throwing League (WATL), founded in 2017, has over 100 locations in 14 different countries and offers players the chance to compete at a global level. The standardization and professionalism of these leagues have elevated the competitiveness of axe throwing and put the sport on the map for serious athletes.

In conclusion, axe throwing may seem like a casual activity, but it has evolved into a highly competitive sport that demands a unique set of skills and determination from its players. As more and more individuals discover the thrill of this sport, we can expect the competition to continue to grow, pushing players to new heights and solidifying axe throwing’s place as a legitimate and exciting sport. So next time you pick up an axe, remember that you are not just throwing it for fun – you are embarking on a journey of intense competition.

Footballers can BENEFIT from Axe Throwing – Here’s How

Axe throwing has gained significant popularity in recent years, with individuals and even groups participating in this unique and exhilarating sport. While it may seem like a recreational activity, many people do not know that axe throwing can also bring a range of benefits to other activities, particularly sports. One sport in particular that can reap the rewards of axe throwing is football. In this article, we’ll delve into the ways axe throwing can improve a footballer’s game.

Firstly, axe throwing involves precision and control. In order to get the axe to stick in the target, players must have precise throwing mechanics and hand-eye coordination. These skills can easily transfer over to the football field, where a player needs to accurately pass, shoot or even goal keep. By fine-tuning their throwing skills through axe throwing, footballers can develop better accuracy in their passes and shots, leading to increased success on the field.

Secondly, axe throwing can enhance a footballer’s physical strength and endurance. Spending time throwing axes repeatedly strengthens the muscles in the arms, shoulders, and back. This can prove beneficial for footballers who need to have strong upper bodies to perform well on the field. In addition, participating in axe throwing can improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina, allowing players to last longer and perform better during a game.
Furthermore, axe throwing can provide a way for footballers to de-stress and clear their minds. The intense concentration required for axe throwing can serve as a form of meditation, helping players to focus and reduce any anxiety or stress they may be feeling. In a high-pressure sport like football, it is essential for players to have a clear and calm mind in order to make quick and split-second decisions. Axe throwing can cultivate these mental skills and provide a way for players to unwind after a grueling practice or game.

Moreover, participating in axe throwing as a team-building activity can also improve a football team’s chemistry. By working alongside each other and supporting one another in a new and challenging environment, players can develop a stronger bond and improve their communication skills. This can translate to the football field, where strong teamwork and communication are key to success.

In conclusion, axe throwing is not just a fun activity, but it also offers many benefits for footballers. From improving precision and coordination to enhancing physical strength and mental focus, this unique sport can serve as a valuable training tool for footballers looking to take their game to the next level. Moreover, it can also provide a fun and engaging team-building experience. So why not give axe throwing a try and see the positive impact it can have on your football game?